
My Personal Journey


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My Personal Journey
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I was born in Singapore and have lived there most of my life and was exposed to different languages, cultures, races and religions.  On graduating from the University of Singapore, I started my career in systems development at the port.   Eventually I moved into strategic planning, and other areas of port management.  I left in early 2002, after a growing reluctance to get out of bed each morning to go the office.   I kept dreaming about going on sabbatical leave,  and finally decided to take a couple years off from working.

In the mid 1990s, I was troubled by a persistent cough.  A former teacher with whom I had reconnected through the Nature Society, asked me if I had considered alternative means of healing, and in particular, Reiki.  A few weeks later while on the bus to work, I saw a newspaper advertisement for a Reiki  course preview, which I would have otherwise ignored if not for the earlier mention.  I went for the preview, was not sure if I believed in it, but thought why not.  I was a little skeptical but since there was a money back guarantee that meant that if it did not work, I would just have spent a weekend in a class; but if it did work, it would have been a wonderful gift to be able to heal with one’s hands.   Hence began my introduction to energy healing.  I also went on to do other courses organized by Jacqueline who had organized the Reiki course.

I first heard about Brain Gym when I was a member of Mensa Singapore, and a few years later, Morris Allen whom I met through Mensa, introduced me to Moira Dempsey.  It was Moira who encouraged me to become a certified Brain Gym Instructor/Consultant, and to attend the conference in Virginia Beach.  It was also through Moira that I met Phillip Rafferty.

It was through Mensa also that I met Ann, who played a big part in my journey.  Ann went on to introduce me to many visiting teachers, including Sandra who was organizing a trip to Machu Picchu.    Ann and I went to Machu Picchu with Sandra.   Over the years we did many courses and took several trips together, until our paths separated.  Sandra in turn introduced me to Anup who was the first teacher who taught me how to teach energy healing (Ascension Energies).

I met Sherri and Gloria in Florida in August 2002 at a seminar called Pathway to Freedom, taught by Sue Myers.  I had attended a weekend seminar by Sue in Singapore in June 2002, and had such a major shift  in outlook, that I decided to attend the rest of her advanced seminars,  leading to certification.  I heard about Sue from my friend Jona, whom I had met in my NLP certification course in Singapore.   It was Jona who told me about the preview where I first met Sue, and  both Jona and I attended the weekend seminar in Singapore.

Over the next few years I met many other people through courses or activities outside of work.  I studied many different forms of energy healing, and in 2002, heard about The Reconnection.  While attending the Brain Gym International Gathering in Virginia Beach, my roommate mentioned it.   A month later, I was visiting a friend Gloria in Colorado and a mutual friend Sherri took me to a metaphysical bookstore.   While browsing through the shelves, a book fell off the shelf.  I picked it up…it was “The Reconnection” by Dr Eric Pearl, and I was told the book had arrived in the store just that morning.  I bought the book, carried it with me on my travels, and one night, finally settled down to read it, and read it right through, finishing at 5 am next day.  Eventually I checked out his website, found he was teaching the work, and went back to Colorado the following year to learn the work from Dr Pearl.

In the years since I embarked on this journey, I have had the privilege of studying with many teachers including Tom Kenyon, Brugh Joy, and Dr Paul and Gail Dennison.


This site was last updated Monday, 31 March 2014

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